Friday, August 5, 2011

review - weasley family in harry potter

Here We Go --> WEASLEY FAMILY ^^

Keluarga Weasley merupakan sosok keluarga yang ramah di dunia penyihir. Mereka hidup sederhana dirumah tua mereka, The Burrow, tetapi mereka menyambut hangat siapapun yang datang. The Burrow juga pernah menjadi salah satu markas Orde Phoenix saat Sirius Black meninggal dan Grimmauld Place No.12 dianggap tidak lagi aman untuk kegiatan Orde Phoenix tersebut.
Keluarga Weasley merupakan keluarga yang besar dengan Arthur Weasley sebagai kepala keluarganya dan istrinya Molly Weasley beserta anak-anak mereka :
- William Arthur Weasley ( Bill )
- Charlie Weasley
- Perchy Ignatius Weasley
- Fred Weasley
- George Weasley
- Billius Ronald Weasley
- Ginerva "Ginny" Weasley

Arthur Weasley and Molly Weasley
Arthur Weasley merupakan keturunan darah murni, dia lahir pada tanggal 6 Februari 1950. Arthur terlahir dari pasangan Septimus Weasley dan Cedrella Black Weasley. Dia belajar di Sekolah Sihir Hogworts dari tahun 1961 sampai 1968 di Gryffindor House. Arthur Weasley bekerja di kementrian sebagai kepala Departemen Penyalahgunaan Barang-Barang Muggle tetapi kemudian dia dipromosikan sebagai kepala Kantor Pendeteksian dan Penyitaan Mantra Pertahanan dan Benda Perlindungan Palsu. Mr. Weasley terobsesi dengan kebiasaan-kebiasaan dan penemuan Muggle, dan oleh karena kecintaan keluarganya terhadap Muggle, mereka di cap sebagai "Darah Penghianat" oleh para penyihir berdarah murni kolot seperti keluarga Black dan Malfoy.

Molly Weasley adalah kelahiran keluarga Prewett yang merupakan keturunan darah murni. Molly lahir tanggal 30 October 1949, Molly merupakan anggota Order Of Phoenix yang berpartisifasi dalam pertempuran terakhir setelah kembalinya Lord Voldemort,dalam pertempuran tersebut dia berhasil membunuh Death Eater Bellatrix Lestrange. Molly bertemu dengan Arthur weasley di Gryffindor House dan kemudian menikah. Molly adalah ibu rumah tangga yang cekatan dan sangat pintar memasak. Ia hangat dan ramah, ia menganggap Harry dan Hermione sebagai bagian dari keluarganya, bahkan ia tidak pernah lupa mengirimi Harry dan Hermione kado ulang tahun dan hadiah natal. Tapi jangan sekali-sekali membuatnya marah, sebab ia akan lebih menakutkan dari siapapun. Tapi tentu saja tidak ada alasan untuk membuat Mrs. Weasley marah, sebab ia selalu baik hati dan ceria.

William Arthur Weasley
Bill lahir tangal 29 November 1970. Bill belajar di Sekolah Sihir Hogworts dari tahun 1982 sampai 1989. Anak sulung keluarga Weasley, Bill, tadinya bekerja di Bank Gringgots Mesir sebagai pemusnah kutukan, namun kemudian ia kembali ke Inggris, bekerja di Bank Gringgots juga sekaligus bergabung dengan Orde Phoenix untuk melawan Lord Voldemord. Didalam salah satu pertempuran melawan Pelahap Maut, Bill digigit oleh manusia serigala, Fenrir Greyback, yang kemudian merusak wajahnya dan menjadikannya manusia serigala selamanya, tapi hal itu ternyata tidak mengurangi rasa cinta Fleur Delacour ( penyihir Prancis keturunan Veela yang dulu ikut Turnamen Triwizard dari sekolah Beuxbatons ) padanya, mereka lalu menikah dan tinggal disebuah rumah indah dipinggir pantai, Shell Cottage. Bill mempunyai tiga anak yaitu Victoire,Dominique,dan Louis.

Charlie Weasley
Charlie Weasley lahir tanggal 12 Desember 1972,anak tertua kedua. Ia digambarkan mempunyai wajah yang enak dilihat dan menyenangkan.serta memiliki bintik bintik kecil seperti terbakar matahari. Charlie bertubuh gempal seperti kedua adik kembarnya, Fred dan George weasley dan lebih pendek dari Ron dan Percy yang jangkung dan kurus. Dia belajar di Sekolah Sihir Hogwarts dan Sihir dari 1983 sampai 1990. Charlie merupakan prefek dan kapten tim Quidditch semasa bersekolah di Hogwarts, bahkan ia dijuluki sebagai Seeker Legendaris Gryffindor. Tapi sayangnya ia tidak melanjutkan bermain Quidditch, ia lalu bekerja menangani naga di Rumania. 

Charlie adalah anggota kedua Orde Phoenix dan berjuang di Pertempuran Hogwarts pada tahun 1998 .
Menurut Hagrid, Charlie sangat baik dalam memelihara binatang dan menurut Percy, ia bukan ''orang rumahan'' yang mungkin mempengaruhi pekerjaannya.

Percy Weasley
Percy Ignatius Weasley, lahir 22 Agustus  1976 , adalah penyihir darah murni , anak ketiga dari Arthur dan Molly Weasley. Ia belajar Hogwarts dari 1987 sampai 1994. Percy digambarkan memiliki watak yang disiplin, tegas, dan ambisius sehingga kadang-kadang menyebalkan. Dia sangat tidak disukai oleh adik-adiknya, karena wataknya yang terlalu disiplin.

Di tahun pertama Harry tiba di Hogwarts, Percy adalah Prefek Gryffindor dan di tahun berikutnya dia menjadi Ketua Murid. Pada tahun kedua Harry di Hogwarts, ia berpacaran dengan Penelope Clearwater yang merupakan murid dari asrama Ravenclaw. Tetapi di buku kelima, Percy membangkang dan memilih membenci orangtuanya sendiri, juga Dumbledore dan Harry serta semua yang mendukung Dumbledore, karena Harry telah menyaksikan kebangkitan kembali Lord Voldemort tanpa saksi mata sehingga Percy menganggap Harry dan Dumbledore berbohong pada publik. Percy sejak saat itu ikut Cornelius Fudge, Menteri Sihir, yang kemudian digantikan oleh Rufus Scrimgeour. Dia menjabat sebagai Asisten Junior Menteri.
Pada buku terakhir, diceritakan bahwa Percy kemudian bergabung kembali dengan keluarganya dan bertempur melawan para Pelahap Maut pada Pertempuran Hogwart ke-2. Dia selamat pertempuran namun berduka cita atas kematian saudaranya Fred, dia siap berjuang bersama dan bertekad untuk membalas dendam.  Setelah kejatuhan Voldemort, Percy kembali bekerja untuk Kementerian berpangkat sebagai pejabat tinggi.

Fred and George Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Fred dan George Weasley merupakan penyihir berdarah murni. Mereka lahir tanggal 1 April 1978, tepat pada hari April Fool's Day. Mereka adalah putra keempat (kembar). Mereka masih balita selama puncak Perang Pertama Sihir. Ketika Lord Voldemort jatuh untuk pertama kalinya mereka masih berumur tiga tahun. Fred dan George belajar di Sekolah Sihir Hogwarts  dari 1989 sampai 1996 di Gryffindor House. Mereka adalah siswa populer, dikenal karena rasa humor, dan Beater untuk tim Quidditch Gryffindor. 
Si kembar Weasley, dua-duanya sama-sama jail dan suka mengusili orang, tetapi mereka tidak jahat. Mereka sering menciptakan lelucon yang lucu dan bermain-main.
Sahabat karib mereka di Hogwarts adalah Lee Jordan, dan mereka bertiga selalu berusaha menciptakan ramuan atau bahan-bahan terbaru yang bisa digunakan untuk menjaili orang. Di tahun kelima Harry, si kembar Weasley sudah menciptakan Kudapan Kabur, yang berfungsi untuk membuat diri kita sakit sehingga dapat keluar dari kelas. Sejauh ini Kudapan Kabur bermacam-macam jenisnya, seperti Nogat Mimisan, Pastiles Pemuntah, Permen Pingsan, dan lain-lain. Ciptaan pertama si kembar Weasley yang tampil di buku keempat adalah Permen Lidah-Liar yang termakan oleh Dudley dan berbagai jenis krim.
Fred dan George kabur dari Hogwarts dengan sapu terbang yang sebelumnya ditahan Dolores Umbridge pada tahun terakhir mereka, atau pada tahun kelima Harry. 
Mereka lalu menyewa sebuah toko di Diagon Alley yang diberi nama Sihir Sakti Weasley (Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes), yang sangat laku pembeli. Pada buku terakhir diceritakan bahwa George kehilangan telinga kirinya sewaktu membantu Harry Potter pindah ke The Burrow sedangkan Fred pada pertempuran di Hogwarts yang terakhir ketika berjuang bersama kakaknya, Percy ,2 Mei 1998 ia tewas dalam sebuah ledakan kemungkinan  disebabkan oleh Pelahap Maut Augustus Rookwood *tidaaaaaaaaaaak!! T____T
Beberapa waktu setelah berakhirnya Perang Sihir Kedua , George menikah dengan Angelina Johnson , dan mempunyai anak bernama Fred (seperti nama saudara kembarnya) dan Roxanne.

Well, saya suka dua-duanya, dan saya gak bisa disuruh memilih salah satu dari mereka. Mereka adalah tokoh favorit saya di buku dan film Harry Potter. Tingkah bodoh dan konyol mereka gak ada duanya, gak ada yang bisa nandingin, menurut saya, merekalah yang membuat buku Harry Potter lebih berwarna hihihihihi. Dan serius ya, mereka cakep banget!! Cakep banget deh si kembar Oliver  ama James Phelphs ini hehehehehehehe. 

"If you must know, when I was three, Fred turned my — my teddy bear into a great big filthy spider because I broke his toy broomstick..."
—Ron Weasley explaining the origin of his arachnophobia

"...Fred and George mess around a lot, but they still get really good marks and everyone thinks they're really funny..."
—Ron Weasley on Fred and George's performance at school

Molly: "Fred, you next."
Fred: "I'm not Fred, I'm George. Honestly, woman, you call yourself our mother? Can't you tell I'm George?"
Molly: "Sorry, George, dear."
Fred: "Only joking, I am Fred."
— Fred and his mother at King's Cross Station before his third year

Fred: "Don't worry, Ginny, we'll send you loads of owls."
George: "We'll send you a Hogwarts toilet seat."
Molly: "George!"
— George and Fred departing for their third year

Oliver Wood: "We've got two unbeatable Beaters."
Fred and George: "Stop it Oliver, you're embarrassing us."
— Fred and George pretending to be embarrassed at Oliver Wood's praise

Molly: "I don’t believe it! I don’t believe it! Oh, Ron, how wonderful! A prefect! That’s everyone in the family!"
George: "What are Fred and I, next-door neighbours?"
— George after Ron becomes a Prefect

Umbridge: "You two are about to learn what happens to wrong-doers in my school."
Fred: "You know what? I don't think we are. George, I think we've outgrown full-time education... Time to test our talents in the real world, d'you reckon?"
George: "Definitely."
— The twins departing Hogwarts to open Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes

Fred: "You don't pay here."
Harry: "But-"
George: "You gave us our start up loan, we haven't forgotten. Take whatever you like, and just remember to tell people where you got it, if they ask."
— Harry, Fred and George arguing at Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes

George: "I wish old Uncle Bilius was still with us, though; he was a right laugh at weddings..."
Fred: "...before he went loopy he was the life and soul of the party. He used to down an entire bottle of firewhiskey, then run onto the dance floor, hoist up his robes, and start pulling bunches of flowers out of his –"
Hermione: "Yes, he sounds a real charmer."
— Fred, George and Hermione at Bill and Fleur's wedding

"Point is, people, don’t get lulled into a false sense of security, thinking he’s out of the country. Maybe he is, maybe he isn’t, but the fact remains he can move faster than Severus Snape confronted with shampoo when he wants to, so don’t count on him being a long way away if you’re planning to take any risks. I never thought I’d hear myself say it, but safety first!"
—Fred reporting on Voldemort's movements on Potterwatch

George: "Saintlike. . . I'm holy. I`m holy Fred, ya geddit? "
Fred: " With the whole wide world of ear-related humour, you go for I`m holey, pathetic."
George: "Reckon I`m still better lookin`than you."
— George joking about losing his ear in battle.

Percy: "Hello, Minister! Did I mention I’m resigning?"
Fred: "You're joking, Perce! You actually are joking.... I don’t think I’ve heard you joke since you were –"
— Fred Weasley's last words

Fred and George: "Wow – we’re identical!"
Fred: "I dunno, though, I think I’m still better-looking."
— Fred and George after taking Polyjuice Potion to look like Harry Potter

Arthur Weasley: "That wasn't funny, Fred! What on earth did you give that Muggle boy?"
Fred: "I didn't give him anything. I just dropped was his fault he went and ate it, I never told him to."
George: "How big did his tongue get?"
— Fred and George talking to their father after pranking Dudley Dursley

"E for Exceeds Expectations. And I've always thought Fred and I should've got E in everything, because we exceeded expectations just by turning up for the exams."
—George Weasley

"A lot of wizards think it's a waste of time, knowing this sort of Muggle trick, but we feel they're skills worth learning, even if they are a bit slow."
—Fred on how useful Muggle tricks can be.

"This little beauty's taught us more than all the teachers in this school."
—Fred on the Marauder's Map

"You haven't got a letter on yours. I suppose she thinks you don't forget your name. But we're not stupid — we know we're called Gred and Forge."
—George Weasley to Harry Potter on their Christmas Weasley sweaters

Ginny: "Well – Percy's got a girlfriend.... You won't tease him, will you?"
Fred: "Wouldn't dream of it."
George: "Definitely not."
— Fred "looking as if his birthday had come early" at something to tease Percy about

"– or we can ask Fred and George, they know every secret passage out of the castle –"
—Ron Weasley

George: "What made you see sense, Perce?"
Percy: "It’s been coming for a while... I managed to make contact with Aberforth and he tipped me off ten minutes ago that Hogwarts was going to make a fight of it, so here I am."
George: "Well, we do look to our prefects to take a lead at times such as these. Now let’s get upstairs and fight, or all the good Death Eaters’ll be taken."
— George upon reconciling with Percy during the Battle of Hogwarts

Ginny: "I think you're in love, Ron."
George: "Viktor, I love you!"
Fred: "Viktor, I do!"
— Fred, George, and Ginny teasing Ron over his praise of Viktor Krum

Fred: "We've come to give you a bit of festive cheer before we go..."
George: "This, Harry, is the secret of our success."
Fred: "It's a wrench, giving it to you, but we decided last night, your need's greater than ours."
— Fred and George giving Harry the Marauder's Map

Fred: "...we've decided we don't care about getting into trouble any more."
Hermione: "Have you ever?"
— Fred and Hermione Granger just before the twins' escape from Hogwarts

Fred: "Oi! Angelina! Want to come to the ball with me?"
Angelina: "All right, then."
Fred: "There you go, piece of cake."
— Fred asking Angelina Johnson to the Yule Ball

Ron Weasley: "It would have taken you about thirty seconds longer to walk down the stairs."
Fred Weasley: "Time is Galleons, little brother."
— Ron and Fred after the latter passed his Apparition test

George: "Well, now —"
Fred: "— what with Dumbledore gone —"
George: "— we reckon a bit of mayhem —"
Fred: "— is exactly what our new Head deserves."
— George and Fred's characteristic back-and-forth conversation

George: "Why aren't you wearing yours, Ron? Come on, get it on, they're lovely and warm."
Ron: "I hate maroon."
George: "...P for prefect! Get it on, Percy, come on, we're all wearing ours, even Harry got one. And you're not sitting with the prefects today, either. Christmas is a time for family."
— George insisting his brothers wear their Weasley jumpers

Hermione: "If you don't stop, I'm going to--"
Fred: "Put us in detention?"
George: "Make us write lines?"
Hermione: "No, but I will write to your mother."
Fred: "You wouldn't."
— Hermione makes the one threat that can scare Fred and George.

George: "Come through the back, Harry, that's where we're making the real money..."
Fred: "We've just developed this more serious line. Funny how it happened..."
George: "You wouldn't believe how many people, even people who work at the Ministry, can't do a decent Shield Charm... And then we thought we'd get into the whole area of Defence Against the Dark Arts, because it's such a money spinner."
— George and Fred to Harry Potter in 1996

J. K. Rowling has commented that she always knew Fred was going to be killed in the series, though she guessed that readers would have expected George to die first, since he was the "gentler" of the two: “Fred is normally the funnier but also the crueller of the two. So they might have thought that George would be the more vulnerable one and, therefore, the one to die... Either one of them would have been terrible to kill. It was awful killing Fred. I hated that.” She also described Fred and George as "the risk-takers in the family...who just take a totally different life path and were prepared to risk everything"

Ronald Weasley
Bilius Ronald "Ron" Weasley lahir tanggal 1 Maret 1980 adalah seorang penyihir darah murni. Ron mulai bersekolah di Sekolah Sihir Hogwarts pada 1991 di dalam Gryffindor House.
Ronald "Ron" Bilius Weasley adalah sahabat sejati Harry, keduanya bersama Hermione Granger tak terpisahkan. Bahkan pada akhirnya Ron menikah dengan Hermione.
Bersama-sama, mereka menghadapi banyak tantangan selama masa remaja mereka, termasuk menjaga Batu Bertuah dari Quirinus Quirrell , menyelamatkan Ginny dari Kamar Rahasia , membentuk Laskar Dumbledore , dan pertempuran di berbagai pertempuran. 
Ron paling takut dengan laba-laba. Didalam Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix Ron terpilih sebagai Prefek bersama Hermione. Hal ini mengejutkan dirinya, keluarganya, dan beberapa orang lain. Mereka mengira Harry-lah yang menjadi Prefek. Sekembalinya mereka di Hogwarts, Ron menunjukkan kesetiaannya sebagai sahabat ketika Harry dituduh sebagai pembohong karena mengatakan Voldemort telah kembali. Terkadang Ron menggunakan kekuasaan barunya sebagai Prefek untuk mengancam murid-murid lain yang merecoki Harry. Saat naik ketingkat enam Ron menerima nilai OWL-nya. Ia mendapat 7 OWL, sama dengan Harry, dan hanya tidak lulus Sejarah Sihir dan Ramalan (“Tapi siapa yang peduli!”). Ia melewatkan tahun terakhirnya di sekolah dalam rangka menemani Harry dan Hermione untuk menghancurkan Horcrux Lord Voldemort dan berjuang di Pertempuran Hogwarts pada 1998 , di mana ia kehilangan saudaranya, Fred , kehilangan yang menghancurkan dia.
Persahabatan Harry dan Ron semakin erat. Mereka telah sampai dalam taraf saling memahami yang semakin menunjukkan kedewasaan mereka. Mereka bersahabat sampai akhir dan akhirnya benar-benar menjadi saudara saat Harry menikah dengan Ginny. 
Setelah perang, Ron, bersama dengan Harry Potter dan Neville Longbottom , bergabung dengan Auror atas undangan Menteri Sihir Kingsley Shacklebolt , dalam rangka melacak dan menangkap Pelahap Maut yang lolos. Akhirnya, ia pergi bekerja di Sihir Sakti Weasley dengan saudaranya George. Dia dan Hermione akhirnya menikah dan memiliki dua anak: Seorang anak perempuan bernama Rose dan seorang anak laki-laki bernama Hugo Weasley .  Ron merupakan ayah baptis untuk James Sirius Potter, anak dari Harry potter dan Ginny.

Ron adalah tokoh favorit kedua saya setelah si kembar. Dia setia kawan. Penuh ekspresi konyol. Dan gak kalah lucu dari duo kembar Fred dan George. Tingkahnya selalu dan selalu bikin saya ngakak. Dia juga cakep *kedip2 mata sambil colek2 Rupert Grint hihihihi. Dobby memanggilnya ‘Wheezy,’ Luna menyebutnya ‘Ronald’ dan bukan ‘Ron,’ dan Lavender Brown memanggilnya ‘Won-Won’. Ron tulisan Advanced Potion-Making punya tertulis ‘Roonil Wazlib’ ketika penanya tidak berfungsi. Panggilan Slughorn Ron ‘Ralph’ dan ‘Rupert’ karena kesalahan.

"Fred and George tried to get me to make one when I was about five. I nearly did, too, I was holding hands with Fred and everything when Dad found us. He went mental. Only time I've ever seen Dad as angry as Mum. Fred reckons his left buttock has never been the same since."
—Ron on his brothers' attempt to get him to make anUnbreakable Vow

"No need to ask who you are. My father told me all the Weasleys have red hair, freckles and more children than they can afford."
—Draco Malfoy meeting Ron for the first time.

Ron: "We're nearly there. Let me think — let me think...'s the only way ... I've got to be taken."
Harry and Hermione: "NO!"
Ron: "That's chess! You've got to make some sacrifices! I'll make my move and she'll take me — that leaves you free to checkmate the king, Harry!"
— Ron sacrifices himself in Wizard's Chess

"Honestly sir, I think it did more damage to us than we did to it."
—Ron Weasley to Severus Snape in 1992

Harry: "Ron! The dog, where is it?"
Ron: "Harry, he's the dog! He's an Animagus!"
— Ron after he was taken by a transformed Sirius Black to theShrieking Shack

Hermione: "I think you owe somebody an apology."
Ron: "You're right... next time I see Crookshanks, I'll let him know."
Hermione: "I meant me!"
— Ron and Hermione argue over Scabbers reappearance.

"Look, it's always you who gets all the attention, you know it is. I know it's not your fault. I know you don't ask for it...but — well — you know, Ron's got all those brothers to compete against at home, and you're his best friend, and you're really famous — he's always shunted to one side whenever people see you, and he puts up with it, and he never mentions it, but I suppose this is just one time too many..."
—Hermione Granger on Ron after Harry's name came out of the Goblet of Fire

Fred Weasley: "Viktor, I love you."
George Weasley: "Viktor I do."
Harry Potter, Fred and George: "When we're apart My heart beats only for you."
— Harry and the Weasley twins mocks Ron

Ron: "Oi,'re a girl."
Hermione: "Very well spotted."
Ron: "Come with one of us! It's one thing for a bloke to show up alone, but for a girl it's just sad."
Hermione: "I won't be going alone, because believe it or not, someone's asked me! And I said yes!"
— Ron and Hermione about the Yule Ball

"Weasley cannot save a thing, he can't block a single ring.
That's why Slytherins all sing, Weasley is our king!...
—Slytherins mock Ron about his Keeper abilities

Harry: "Look, it's not that I don't appreciate everything you've done, all of you, but - but I've got you into enough trouble as it is."
Neville: "Dumbledore's Army's supposed to be about doing something real. Or was all that just words to you?"
Ron: "Maybe you don't have to do this all by yourself, mate."
— Ron and Neville when Harry tries to leave them behind

Hermione: "You said to us once before that there was time to turn back if we wanted to. We've had time, haven't we?"
Ron: "We're with you, whatever happens."
— Hermione and Ron commit to the Horcrux hunt with Harry

"Ron was great. Wonderful. Stunned one of the Death Eaters, straight to the head, and when you're aiming at a moving target from a flying broom —"
—Nymphadora Tonks commenting on Ron battling the Death Eaters

"I'm the sixth in our family to go to Hogwarts. You could say I've got a lot to live up to ... Everyone expects me to do as well as the others, but if I do, it's no big deal, because they did it first."
—Ron on his family's expectations

"First — to Mr Ronald Weasley for the best played game of chess Hogwarts has seen in many years, I award Gryffindor house fifty points."
—Dumbledore at the leaving feast giving Gryffindor fifty points for Ron's noble sacrifice.

"You never get anything new, either, with five brothers. I've got Bill's old robes, Charlie's old wand and Percy's old rat."
—Ron talking about being the youngest son in the family to Harry

"Ah! Another Weasley... I know just what to do with you... GRYFFINDOR!"
—The Sorting Hat putting Ron into Gryffindor, like the rest of his family

"After you left, she cried for a week. Probably longer, only she didn't want me to see. There were loads of nights when we never even spoke to each other. With you gone..."
—Harry Potter to Ron

"Just because it's taken you three years to notice, Ron, doesn't mean no one else has spotted I'm a girl!"
—Hermione to Ron when he fails to ask her to the Yule Ball

Hermione: "Look, Hagrid is our friend, so why don't we just go and ask him?"
Ron: "That will be a cheerful visit. "Hello Hagrid. Tell us, have you sent anything mad and hairy loose in the castle lately?""
— Ron and Hermione on whether to ask Hagrid about the monster in the Chamber of Secrets

Hermione: "But they'll catch Black, won't they? I mean, everyone's looking for him."
Ron: " Sure. Except no one's ever broken out of Azkaban before... and he's a murderous raving lunatic."
— Ron about Sirius Black after he escaped from prison

McGonagall: "Now, Mr. Weasley, place your right hand on my waist."
Ron: "Where?"
— Ron having to demonstrate ballroom dancing with McGonagall

Ron: "I love you, Hermione."
Hermione: "Don't let Lavender hear you saying that."
Ron: "I won't. Or maybe I will...then she'll ditch me..."
— Ron and Hermione

Moaning Myrtle: "Here I am, minding my own business, and someone thinks it's funny to throw a book at me."
Ron: "But, it can't hurt if someone throws something at you. I mean, it would just go right through you."
— An example of Ron's unintentional insensitivity to Ghosts

"Don't get too friendly with him, though, Rosie. Granddad Weasley would never forgive you if you married a pure-blood"
—Ron joking to daughter Rose about Scorpius Malfoy

Ginerva "Ginny" Weasley
Ginny adalah anak bungsu sekaligus satu-satunya anak perempuan dalam keluarga Weasley. Ia memiliki perawakan kecil, dengan rambut merah menyala (turun-temurun dalam keluarga Weasley) dan juga berbola mata kecokelatan. Dia juga dikategorikan sebagai penyihir yang berbakat pada usianya, terutama dalam keahlian khususnya yaitu Kutukan-Kepak Kelelawar.
Ginny sejak awal sudah menyukai Harry Potter namun dia malu untuk mengungkapkan perasaannya. Sampai akhirnya saat Ginny pacaran dengan Dean Thomas yang merupakan teman seangkatan Harry di Hogwarts saat ia kelas lima, Harry mulai cemburu dan sadar bahwa sebenarnya dia menyukai Ginny dan akhirnya mereka pacaran walaupun hubungan mereka terpaksa berakhir karena Harry takut jika Ginny akan menjadi korban Lord Voldermort jika Voldemort tahu bahwa Ginny mempunyai hubungan dengannya. Pada tahun 1998 Ginny beserta seluruh keluarganya bertempur di Pertempuran Hogwarts. Namun dia berhasil bertahan hidup dari pertempuran.
Di akhir cerita Harry Potter Ginny menikah dengan Harry Potter dan memiliki tiga anak bernama James Potter, Albus Severus Potter , dan Lily Potter.


si kembar Weasley (Fred-George), Ron and Ginny ^^

akrabnya >_____<

hihi, di tengah ada dean thomas

ada yang masih ingat ini??? hehehehe

ada yang tau cowok paling pojok sebelah kiri???

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