Friday, November 30, 2012

take a walk - museum purna bakti pertiwi

It was when i said that i had many schedule in my last weekend. I went to museum 'Purna Bakti Pertiwi' last weekend. It was because my mommy went to that museum, not because I'm interesting so much to go the museum. I rarely meet my Mom and my family because I live in other city to work. So, in that chance, I went to that museum because I really want meet her, I miss her so much, you know... because I work everyday so I rarely go to home too *but i'm not working in weekend.
Initially I just thought that the museum will be boring, but actually noo...!!! I paid Rp 5.000,00 to enter the museum. The museum was sooo amazing. There were many things that really attracted me!! I just thought that I love to go to this museum. I know about the history. There are many unique and old things that displayed there. Hahahaha, i don't know but it was so wonderful suddenly to be inside of the museum. I took many photos and tried to explore the museum that is soooo big!! But unfortunately I just have little time in the museum because of next schedule I was going shopping with My Mom. I guess I will go there again sometimes for more long time than this time visit.
So, okay Mom, let's go shopping (>___<)//

Photos that i took at front of the Museum :

review - warrior baek dong soo

Title: 무사 백동수 / Musa Baek Dong Soo

Previously known as: 야뇌 백동수 / Honorable Baek Dong Soo
Genre: Period
Episodes: 29
Broadcast network: SBS
Broadcast period: 2011-Jul-04 to 2011-Oct-10
Air time: Monday & Tuesday 21:55
Original Soundtrack: Warrior Baek Dong Soo OST
Scriptwriter: Kwon Soon Gyu (권순규)
Producer: Lee Hyun Jik, Kim Hong Sun (김홍선)

“How can I even dream of such happiness? If you want me to go with you, won’t you complain about my heart? Your sincerity, I won’t forget it for the rest of my life.”

Drama ini mempunyai latar belakang kejadian pada masa Dinasti Joseon yang berada pada masa pemerintahan Raja Jeongjo. Pada masa tersebut seni bela diri masih berkembang dengan pesat dan mempunyai teknik yang original ataupun yang telah bercampur. Cerita dalam drama saeguk ini berputar pada konspirasi Putra Mahkota Sado dan kehidupan Baek Dong Soo dari sewaktu masih berada di kandungan sampai akhirnya menjadi seorang pendekar terkenal di Joseon. Baek Dong Soo adalah seorang prajurit yang menjadi sebuah legenda dalam kehidupan nyata sebagai seseorang yang menciptakan panduan seni bela diri di Joseon dan merupakan pendekar nomor 1 di Joseon. Kelompok-nya membela Raja Jeongjo dan bertarung dengan orang-orang yang berkomplot dengan sebuah organisasi pembunuh misterius yang ingin menjatuhkan dan membunuh Raja.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

my graduation day ~ so late posting

Okay, actually i have graduated from my college from a loooong time ago, but i haven't posted about it yet. Yepp, until now *LOL. I always forget when i want to post about it.
But here i am now, starting too post it :)
And why suddenly i want to post this? Because tomorrow i will go to my bestfriend's graduation day!! I will post about it later, and i guarantee that i will post it on time hahahaha

Soooo, let me tell you about my graduation day. I was graduated on, okay i rather forget the date, wait me for the moment *LOL
Found the date after 5 minutes searching for the file hahahahahaha.
I was graduated on 31 March 2012. Now you really think, i post too late right? *LOL
But, that day was one of the happiest and greatest time in my life. It was like I have completed one of many missions in my life. The feeling is so great when my hardest work for my final paper is finished and finally I got an A like I always dream of. And i was very very very happy when my parent is coming and they felt proud of me, eventhough i didn't get any acknowledgment like best college student or get highest mark, they are very happy when I wear my graduation toga, finished my studying and get the title of bachelor degree. And i am very happy when my parent happy too :)
Thank u so much Mom and Dad!! Although sometimes I feel dying when i was doing my final paper, you are always encouraging me :)

Some of me and my family pics ::

Me with toga :)

Saturday, November 17, 2012

My Mom's Old Blazer :)

Yesterday was celebration day of New Islamic Year!! It was holiday time!! I didn't go to office so it means that I can take a break from my job just for a moment, YAY!! Eventhough just a day, it really makes me happy ^^

Initially, i had plan with my friend to go shopping, we want to buy new high heels, wow!! Can't wait to go!! I really want to buy new high heels from a long time ago but i haven't so much time to search for it. And if I have time to hang out, I haven't found high heels that really match for me. But unfortunately, that plan was failed. Because of someone, we were forced to postpone our plan and you know? I was so disappointed (TT_TT).

Memory#01 ~ Anime Jepang Jaman Dulu part 2

Okay, this review is the continue of Memory#01 ~ Anime Jepang Jaman Dulu part 1, enjoy friends ^^

21.    Dragon Ball
Ini kartun juga hobi banget mengalami perulangan (ada kondisi if sama looping forever kali yak hahaha). Tapi saya gak bosen juga liat kartun ini meski udah diulang berulang-ulang kali. Dragonball menurut saya mempunyai daya tarik sendiri sehingga kita tetap bisa menikmati menontonnya meskipun hal itu bukan yang pertama kali. Saya suka sama Son Gohan dan Son Goten. Why? Rambutnya lucu gitu bentuknya :D

22.    Saint Seiya
Saya nonton ini udah lama banget dan terus terang gak begitu inget ama ceritanya wkwkwkwkwkwkwk :p

23.    Bubu Cha cha
Cute cartoon ever, with Bubu and Cha cha ^^

24.    Kobochan
“Di dunia ini semua bisa terjadi, dan apa yang akan terjadi, kita tak akan pernah mengetahui. Marilah kita hadapi, pasti ada jalan keluar. Hari ini entah siapa yang akan bahagia”
I love this lyrics so much!!

Memory#01 ~ Anime Jepang Jaman Dulu part 1

Gara-gara kemaren sempet nonton anime “Trigun” beberapa episode, tiba-tiba kepengen bgt mengais memori masa kecil dulu pas seneng-senengnya nonton kartun ^^... Tiap minggu pagi atau jam-jam tertentu pasti saya gak mau beralih dari depan tipi, tetep mantengin sampai acara kartun kesayangan saya itu selesai semuanya hahahaha, lagian kartun kan cuman 30 menit walaupun terus2an tayang dari jam 6 pagi sampai 11 siang sih XDDD. Bahkan dulu pas kecil sampai-sampai kebawa mimpi dan imajinasi *masih kecil tapi udah alay :p

Dan saya inget banget dulu saya suka nyatetin soundtrack2nya yang notabene berbahasa Indonesia, dan entah kenapa sampai sekarang saya masih hapal beberapa lagu soundtrack itu, padahal kan udah lama banget, belasan tahun telah berlalu wkwkwkwkwkwkwk... Indah bangetlah masa kecil saya dulu, gak seperti sekarang, suka miris kalo ngeliat anak kecil sekarang yang dewasa belum pada waktunya, tontonan infotainment mulu, reality show yang gak jelas juntrungannya atau juga acara musik-musik yang malah bikin saya tertohok jika saya adalah seorang musisi (mending kalo live, lah males banget kalo lipsync =.=). Lagian dulu masih banyak banget lagu anak-anak, sekarang udah punah, udah ganti lagu yang isinya cinta cinta ama sakit hati melulu hehehe *yang nyanyi udah pada gedhe kali yak (seumuran ama saya soalnya..... :p)
Saya pikir film kartun jaman dulu lebih bagus, gak tau kenapa... Ceritanya gak terlalu aneh kayak sekarang dan gak pakai kata-kata yang saya gak ngerti. Kartun sekarang tuh ‘indah banget’ karena suka pakai bahasa planet yang saya gak ngerti artinya apa *bahkan saya aja gak ngerti apalagi kalo ada anak kecil yang nonton yak hahahaha =.=

Ini nih list kartun yang dulu saya tonton dari SD ampe SMP (saya bold kartun favorit saya) \\(^.^)// ::
1.       Doraemon
Kartun ini bercerita tentang Doraemon, robot dari masa depan yang selalu membantu Nobita yang pemalas dan yang sering dijahili teman-temannya yaitu Giant dan Suneo.
Ini kartun gak ada matinya, sampe sekarang pun masih ada. Saya suka bertanya-tanya, nih kartun habisnya kayak gimana ya...? Bisa-bisanya si pengarang gak pernah kehabisan ide bikin alat-alat aneh bin ajaib.
Disini saya suka sama Doraemon dan Suneo :p

2.       Ninja Hatori
“Mendaki gunung lewati lembah, sungai mengalir indah ke samudra, bersama teman bertualang!!!”
Wuih, dulu tiap ada acara jalan santai yang diadain sekolah, saya ama temen2 kompak banget nyanyiin lagunya “Ninja Hatori”. Saya suka sama Kibimaki!!! Hahahahaha :d

Saturday, November 10, 2012

i'm in traffic light

Sometimes, i feel like i am in a traffic light, stop when hurrying to do something, but hesitate when stepping to the junction way, and waiting for the time to move on again...

Friday, November 9, 2012

Miyavi's Live Concert in Indonesia

If you want, you can read my PREVIOUS post too before you read this part^^

[09 October 2012]
The one thing (honestly many things :9) I still can’t forget (i think i will not ever forget that moment, NEVER) and even I, myself still think that it was a dream \\(>___<)//

It’s like the stars are hitting me all over my  body.  And i change myself into a fortune goddess. You must not believe it but I MEET that Japanese Samurai Guitarist. I MEET THAT PERSON DIRECTLY! He standing in front of me. That person!! That person that has hobby to slap his guitar. Can i explode now? CAN I EXPLODE NOW????
I can’t tell you about the details. I just can tell you that at that time I was like busy person in busy hour (5 p.m when people came back from their work) in a cab travelled from Jakarta Utara - Jakarta Timur - Jakarta Pusat (Alhamdulillah, i'm not late \\(^^)//). 

He really kindhearted, so kindhearted!! And he’s so friendly, i don’t believe that when i remember he is a rockstar, many of tattoos and arrogant. BUT NO!!! Eventhough he is really tired because of the trip and traffic jam in Jakarta, he’s still so friendly to us, had little chat with us and he waving his hand continuosly when we looked at him. Oh My God.. I never regretted become his fans from a long long long time ago. And you know what?? He’s so manly and gentle to fans!! I felt his gentleman behavior by myself so I could say that! *aarrrgghh can forget about the time when he treated me as a lady, his precoius fans, ah i’m like a princess that time.. I LOVE YOU MIYAVI!!! Thanks for the your sign :* :* :* :*  and i must accept the reality... YOU ARE SO FCKIN HANDSOME!! He’s soooooooo handsome in reality...!!!! Oh My God, where I can find a husband like Melody’s husband? I guess, I felt jealous to Melody that time (hmm.. actually I felt jealous everytime LOL). This will be great memory ever. My really precious memory ever. I never imagine that I can meet him directly, meet face to face with my Miyavi~san. He usually just come in my dream or my imagination. But that time is not imagination. I really meet him. And i can felt that his hand is so warm. I shaked too much that time. I want to cry that time. Thanks God.. Thanks you make my dream to meet Miyavi~san come true. Thanks God.

thanks for the sign Miyavi~san *bow, hope u still keep my gift ^^, so we have couple Tshirt *LOL

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Prolog : Miyavi's Live Concert in Indonesia

// First, I’m really sory for the gramatical error, i don’t mean that, i am just not expert in English LOL.

So, who don't know this MIYAVI? \(^0^)/
Okay, i know that this post is sooo not update because I should post this report from 30 days ago *LOL. But i think it’s not a big problem, i just want to share this happiness with you dude.
Yeahh!! Actually, i don’t know how and from where i will be starting to tell you about this story, but i will do my best to report this Great Miyavi’s Live Concert in Indonesia. This Great Miyavi’s Live Concert in Indonesia was held in two places, that are in Hard Rock Cafe Jakarta and Hard Rock Cafe Bali. But I will just make the report about Miyavi’s Live Concert in Jakarta that took place in Hard Rock Cafe Jakarta on 9th October 2012 exactly *honestly, i want to go to Bali too, i want to watch Miyavi’s Live Concert there but unexpectedly my wallet says NO hahahahahaha :p, i have no money to go to Bali (>,<)

So, the first time I heard about Miyavi’s Live Concert is from my first younger sister, my really pretty sister, Eve ^^. You need know that both of us are falling in love deeply with Miyavi~san from a long long long time ago. Aaa~~not just my first sister that love him but also my really-pretty-second-younger sister too, Airi. She loves him a lot but unfortunately she couldn’t came to the concert. Actually, she really want to go to the concert but the concert was held in Tuesday, and it’s school time not holiday time!!! She’s so disappointed so I hope Miyavi~san will come back again next time, soon. So sister, concentrate in your study cause I know Miyavi~san will come back again next time. And i’m sure we can watch him together. I have one sister again, but unfortunately my really-pretty-youngest sister isn’t idolize Miyavi~san like we did, it’s not because she doesn’t like Miyavi~san or his songs. It’s because, I was going to the college in different town from my hometown so I haven’t lead her in the right way kikikikik *kiddin. She’s in love with SMASH now, a boyband from Indonesia, *Oh God pleaseeee ==
That news about Miyavi’s Live Concert came when I returned home from a place where I am earning money for living. When the fatigue attacked me, suddenly there’s one message from my sister, and I read it directly, and when I read the content of my sister’s message, I’m really shocked, this the content of the message *I translate it in English of  course :
“Sisteeeer, Miyavi will hold Live Concert in Indonesia !!!!!! XD” (20 Sept 2012 – 20:28)

Saturday, October 27, 2012

review - tumbling

Title: タンブリング

Title (English): Tumbling
Tagline: 新体操が、オレ達をオトコにした / Shintaiso ga, oretachi o otoko ni shita
Format: Renzoku
Genre: Sports drama
Episodes: 11
Broadcast network: TBS
Broadcast period: 2010-Apr-17 until 2010-June-26
Air time: Saturday 20:00 – 20:54
TV Ratings : 7,4%
Director : Ayato Matsuda, Kenjiro Kuranuki
Writer : Michiru Egashira, Yukako Shimizu, Akira Watanabe
Theme Song: Manazashi by Honey L Days

Azuma Wataru, siswa kelas 3 di Karasumori High School, merupakan ketua geng dari berandalan yang ada di kelasnya. Dia ditakuti oleh teman-teman sekelasnya, teman-teman satu sekolahnya dan juga anak-anak sekolah lainnya karena dia selalu membuat ulah tidak hanya di dalam sekolah namun juga di luar sekolah. Bahkan guru-guru di sekolahnya pun takut pada Wataru dan sudah angkat tangan menghadapi kenakalan dan ulah Wataru tersebut. Hobi Wataru adalah berkelahi dengan siswa sekolah lain entah itu karena dia sedang bosan ataupun mendapat tantangan berkelahi dari anak sekolah lain. 

Sunday, October 14, 2012

review - flower boy ramyun shop

Title: 꽃미남 라면가게 / Kkotminam Ramyeongage

Also known as: Flower Boy Ramen Shop
Genre: Romance, comedy
Episodes: 16
Broadcast network: tvN
Broadcast period: 2011-Oct-31 to 2011-Dec-20
Air time: Monday & Tuesday 23:00
Original Soundtrack: Flower Boy Ramyun Shop OST

“The heart isn’t a place for thinking” _Choi Kang Hyuk


Yang Eun Bi adalah seorang gadis berusia 25 tahun yang sedang berkonsentrasi mengikuti ujian pegawai negeri. Eun Bi bercita-cita menjadi guru seperti sahabatnya Kang Dong Joo yang merupakan guru bahasa Inggris di sekolah elit, Cha Sung. Dan karena keinginannya tersebut Eun Bi pun bekerja magang sebagai seorang guru training di SMA Cha Sung. Suatu hari, Eun Bi diramal bahwa tanda dia bertemu dengan jodoh yang ditakdirkan untuknya adalah ketika berdekatan dengan orang tersebut dia akan mendengar suara lonceng di telinganya. Waktu itu Eun Bi tidak ingin percaya terhadap ramalan tersebut karena masih mempunyai pacar yang sedang melaksanakan wajib militer. Tetapi tidak sengaja terus-terusan mengingat perkataan peramal itu dan hal itu terjadi ketika Cha Chi Soo yang sedang menghindari kejaran pengawal-pengawalnya bersembunyi di kamar mandi perempuan. Dan pada saat itulah Cha Chi Soo bertemu dan menggoda Yang Eun Bi  yang notabene mauan terpesona pada ketampanan Cha Chi Soo *ngeeeeek /(-____-)\

Sunday, July 8, 2012

maroon 5 - payphone

I'm at a payphone trying to call home
All of my change I spent on you
Where have the times gone, baby it's all wrong
Where are the plans we made for two?

Yeah, I, I know it's hard to remember,
The people we used to be...
It's even harder to picture,
That you're not here next to me.

You say it's too late to make it,
But is it too late to try?
And in our time that you wasted
All of our bridges burned down

I've wasted my nights,
You turned out the lights
Now I'm paralyzed,
Still stuck in that time,
When we called it love,
But even the sun sets in paradise

I'm at a payphone trying to call home
All of my change I spent on you
Where have the times gone, baby it's all wrong
Where are the plans we made for two?

If "Happy Ever After" did exist,
I would still be holding you like this
[Video:] All those fairy tales are full of shit
[Album:] All those fairy tales are full of it
[Video:] One more fucking love song, I'll be sick
[Album:] One more stupid love song, I'll be sick

Oh, you turned your back on tomorrow
'Cause you forgot yesterday.
I gave you my love to borrow,
But you just gave it away.

You can't expect me to be fine,
I don't expect you to care
I know I've said it before,
But all of our bridges burned down

I've wasted my nights,
You turned out the lights
Now I'm paralyzed,
Still stuck in that time,
When we called it love,
But even the sun sets in paradise

I'm at a payphone trying to call home
All of my change I spent on you
Where have the times gone, baby it's all wrong
Where are the plans we made for two?

If "Happy Ever After" did exist,
I would still be holding you like this
[Video:] All those fairy tales are full of shit
[Album:] All those fairy tales are full of it
[Video:] One more fucking love song, I'll be sick
[Album:] One more stupid love song, I'll be sick
Now I'm at a payphone

[Wiz Khalifa:]
Man, fuck that shit
I'll be out spending all this money
While you're sitting round wondering
Why it wasn't you who came up from nothing,
Made it from the bottom
Now when you see me I'm stunning,
And all of my cars start with a push of a button

Telling me the chances I blew up
Or whatever you call it,
Switch the number to my phone
So you never could call it,
Don't need my name on my shirt,
You can tell it I'm ballin.

Swish, what a shame could have got picked
Had a really good game but you missed your last shot
So you talk about who you see at the top
Or what you could have saw but sad to say it's over for.
Phantom pulled up valet open doors
Wiz like go away, got what you was looking for
Now it's me who they want, so you can go and take
that little piece of shit with you.

I'm at a payphone trying to call home
All of my change I spent on you
Where have the times gone, baby it's all wrong
Where are the plans we made for two?

If "Happy Ever After" did exist,
I would still be holding you like this
[Video:] All those fairy tales are full of shit
[Album:] All those fairy tales are full of it
[Video:] One more fucking love song, I'll be sick
[Album:] One more stupid love song, I'll be sick
Now I'm at a payphone... 

I don't care about the fairy tales...
I don't care about the stupid love song...
I don't care that i'm at a payphone now...
I just know that i am learning not to expect anything anymore....
 ~amalia_aira shall speak~

saturday night...

yesterday was saturday night
and i was still in office
i was so tired
and in a mess
but i still try to smile
because i took a picture :)
-photo addict-

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

i need to take a break - purple batik

Hiiiiii!!!!! \(^.^)/
How are you? Fine?
Aaaarrrrggghhh... it's so long time i didn't post here... i miss my blog (>___<)

I had taken this picture from long time ago (not really long time ago actually, it was just a few months ago hahahahaha :p)
I took this photo when i have finished my final assignment (thanks God :) ) and have a holiday in Yogyakarta with my best friend ever and forever, Sonya.
It was just few days but i was really happy to be there...

Sunday, April 8, 2012

review - jewel in the palace (dae jang geum)

Title: 대장금 (大長今) / Dae Jang Geum
Also known as: Jewel in the Palace (MBC Global) / Great Jang Geum (lit. translation)
Episodes: 54
Broadcast network: MBC
Broadcast period: 2003-Sep-15 to 2004-Mar-23
Air time: Monday & Tuesday 21:55
Soundtrack: Dae Jang Geum OST

I always try to live without difficuties, but it’s always difficult _Little Jang Geum

Cerita Jewel In The Palace ini didasarkan pada tokoh sejarah yang diceritakan dalam Catatan Sejarah Dinasti Joseon, yang berpusat pada Jang-geum, dokter kerajaan perempuan pertama dari Dinasti Joseon di Korea.
Kisahnya berlangsung di Korea pada masa Dinasti Joseon, pemerintahan Raja Seongjong, Raja Yeonsan-gun (1494-1506) dan Raja Jungjong (1506-1544). Kisahnya dimulai dengan ibu dari Yeonsan-gun yang masih muda yang diracuni oleh sekelompok pengawal istana di bawah perintah raja. Setelah peristiwa itu, seorang pengawal istana, Seo Cheon-su, yang menyertai kelompok itu, pulang ke rumahnya. Namun ketika dalam perjalanan, ia mengalami kecelakaan dan diselamatkan oleh seorang pertapa Taois, yang mengatakan kepadanya bahwa hidupnya akan berlangsung di sekitar tiga orang perempuan :
1.      Dia akan menyebabkan perempuan pertama meninggal.
2.      Dia akan menyelamatkan perempuan yang kedua tetapi juga menyebabkan kematiannya
3.   Dia akan mati karena perempuan ketiga, tetapi perempuan ketiga tersebut akan menyelamatkan banyak nyawa.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

review - zenkai girl

Title: 全開ガール
Title (romaji): Zenkai Girl
Tagline: 金なし、学なし、イケメンの星?そんな男、問題外でしょ?
Tagline (romaji): Kane nashi, Gaku nashi, Ikemen no Hoshi? Sonna Otoko, Mondai Gai desho?
Tagline (English): No money, no education, a star of good-looking guys? A guy like that is out of the question, right?
Format: Renzoku
Genre: Romantic comedy
Episodes: 11
Viewership rating: 12.3%
Broadcast network: Fuji TV
Broadcast period: 2011-Jul-11 to 2011-Sep-19
Air time: Monday 21:00
Theme song: Ai ga Aru by Every Little Thing
Ending song: Tsubusa ni Koi by Kanjani8 

"Love is all about the timing. With just a little luck we can pass each other by :) "

Zenkai Girl menceritakan seorang pengacara muda bernama Ayukawa Wakaba. Karena keinginannya menjadi pengacara internasional, Ayukawa Wakaba tumbuh menjadi seorang gadis yang penuh dengan ambisi. Hal itu sebenarnya didasari akan kejadian yang dialaminya dan ayahnya sewaktu kecil. Sewaktu Ayukawa Wakaba kecil dulu, ayahnya yang baik hati sering ditipu temannya ketika berbisnis, dan hal itulah menyebabkan Wakaba kecil mulai belajar mengenai hukum agar dapat melindungi ayahnya yang saat itu terus-terusan didatangi oleh penagih hutang.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

supernova/cho shin sung/cho shin sei lyrics : part 8

Yes!!! Supernovaaa agaiiiin!!!!!! Ayo lanjut nyanyi nyanyi lagu yang lainnya XD
Check the part 8 lyrics romanization and translation :: PROMISE, MY DESTINY and ROCK UP! Enjot it!!! Let's sing and dance (>_____<)//

supernova/cho shin sung/cho shin sei lyrics : part 7

here we go again, supernova a.k.a cho shin sung a.k.a cho shin sei lyrics!!!! lanjuuuuuut (>____<)//
check them :: AI UTA, AITAI TO IETARA and ASU E NO UTA romanization and translation!!! Enjoy!!!

supenova/cho shin sung/cho shin sei lyrics : part 6

I disappear for a long timeeeeee!! (>_____<)//
And now, i am comeback with Supernova a.k.a Cho Shin Sei a.k.a Cho Shin Sung lyrics again!!!
Oke, melanjutkan post-post saya yang sebelumnya, mari kita lanjut post liriknya Supernovaaa!!! Ah really, saya semakin jatuh cinta dengan grup yang satu iniiiii hihihihihihihi....

Well, check them out ::
LOVE LETTER, RANDA and S.E.C.R.E.T romanization and translation of course ^^

Sunday, March 4, 2012

sushi time

dan saya sempet hilang setengah bulan, gak pernah ngepost di blog, huwaaaa kangen ngeblog >.<

okeee, first post in March =D, jadi minggu kemaren setelah selesainya sidang senior saya, dan alhamdulillah dia lulus teman-teman, akhirnya berangkatlah kami menuju ke cafe Jejepangan yang basicnya dia ngejual sushi sama ramen, namanya Oishinbo Sushi (huwaaaa, gw promosi lagi niiiiih, diskonan, diskonan, hahahaha >.<...)
Pas nyampe di tempat makan itu, mata saya hampir keluar gara2 melotot ngeliat harga-harga yang tertera di menu, buseeeet, mahal banget buat ukuran ank kost-an, tapi alhamdulillah kami udah punya kupon promo yang kita beli dari Disdus (ini website recommended bgt yang pengen wisata kuliner tapi dengan harga diskonan =D) dan hanya dengan setengah harga, Rp 15.000,00 akhirnya saya bisa menikmati sushi2 tersebut dan icip2 yang dipesen temen hihihiihihihihii :)

well, let's take a look of the food ::

this is my favourite one ^^

Saturday, February 18, 2012

award pertamaaa dan keduaaa..... \\(^.^)//

udah lama saya gak buka blog dan tiba2 aja pas buka *jreng jreng jreng jreng...  ada comment dari sobat blogger saya yaitu ArhyErna_BloG :: di salah satu post saya dan dia meminta saya menjemput sesuatu di blog dia....
dan kemudian tanpa basa basi dan akibat tangan saya yang udah gatal buat klik2... capcuslah saya ke TKP dan ternyataaa...... saya dapat award!!!! :jogedjoged: dan gak tanggung-tanggung, 2 award : award pertama dan kedua saya ...!!!!! yeiiiiii.... ^^ *bener kan ya 2 award, takut salaaah hahahahahaha....



Sempet sih keliatan begonya gara-gara gak ngerti bagaimana tindak lanjut yang harus dilakuin menyangkut award-award ini, hihihihi, maklum masih awam... tapi seriusan seneeeeeeeeeng banget dapat award2 ini, makasih ya atas awardnya sobaat ^^
Semoga persahabatan kita tetap terjalin erat, yo yo yo yo :)

jung il woo - a person like you

Saya sekarang lagi nonton Flower Boy Ramyun Shop, wait for the review yaaa *belom selesei nonton soalnya hehehehehehe ^^ ... 
Dan ketika nonton serial ini ada satu lagu yang bikin saya ngerasa sedih tiap kali lagu selipan itu dimainkan...... 

Langsung deh saya tanya mbah google, searching2 nyari judul ama penyanyinya, dan saya kaget banget karena ternyata yang nyanyi itu Jung Il Woo sendiri (Cha Chi Soo, pemaen utama di Flower Boy Ramyun Shop), sejak kapan dia nyanyi??? Hahahaha (O.o)

Hekkkk... sebenernya saya agak kaget juga karena lagu ini terbilang sangat metal *mellow total* ... but how do i say? how do i say to describe this feeling? yeah, i hate this feeling actually, in fact... but here i am, bisa jadi begitu emosional tanpa saya menyadarinya hahahaha... but once again, how will i put this? sad because of love? i think it's pathetic indeed :sigh: .. dan saat ini, sayangnya saya gak bisa berbuat apapun untuk mengatasi that pathetic me...
Yang ada di pikiran saya waktu denger lagu ini dan baca artinya --> berasa langsung flashback gak jelas...